[Distutils] Need for some guidance

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Mon Sep 6 17:44:28 CEST 2010

On 3 September 2010 22:19, Phil Sayre & Jean Richon <sayrich1 at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
>      My name is Phil Sayre.  My email is sayrich1 at gmail.com.  I have
> written a Python program which I will be using in my capacity as treasurer
> for a small, 200 member group of chamber music aficionados.  This program
> provides an interactive interface to the person sitting in front of a laptop
> computer, allowing him to look up a member's information, given the member's
> name, and determine whether or not he has paid his dues for the current
> year.  It allows for corrections to the data, e.g., address, email, phone.
> When the member pays $10, I will be able to mark him paid on the current
> date with a mouse click.  This program is easy to use and much faster and
> simpler than using an Excel spreadsheet, which is the system I have had to
> deal with for the past 2 years.
> That is the justification for the program.  Now I am wondering if I might
> not be able to offer this program to other similar organizations, for
> possibly a modest price.  To do this I would have to know something about
> packaging it as an installable product.  I think the proper place to look
> for answers is the Distutils sig, isn't it?  But I confess at this
> point, the documentation is just extremely confusing.

You may be better off using something like py2exe (along with an installer
creator like Wix) to bundle your application as a standalone application.
You will still need to know a bit about distutils but you will be better off
following the py2exe user guide and asking questions on the py2exe list
(unless they redirect you back here for anything):


All the best,

Michael Foord

> My program uses the CSV module to read and write 'comma separated
> value' records from/to an Excel produced file, a package called EasyGui
> which provides the user interface, and the modules shelve, sys, string,
> cPickle, datetime.  Shelve is the method which affords the fast record
> lookup in the data base.   The csv module is distributed with Python.
> I am planning, for the time being, to offer this to only Windows users.
> When I downloaded Python, I selected Pythonwin for my own laptop running
> Windows XP.  I don't really know much about this package other than it runs
> under Windows.
> For my probable customers, I don't expect that any of them will have a
> Python system installed.  And I don't need to provide them with a means of
> editing and compiling Python programs--but I clearly will need to provide
> the Python execution engine.  But perhaps this is not separable from the
> compiler--I don't know.
> Where do fit within the Distutil spectrum?  I think it's section 5, but I
> can't get beyond the first paragraph.
> I'd appreciate any help that is available.
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