[Distutils] An observation on how system packagers and developers can be friends

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Thu Oct 28 18:44:59 CEST 2010

Periodically, in various venues, we discuss the challenges of
deploying applications with or in spite of system packaging of Python
and system packaging philosophies.

(Note that I'm mainly talking g about deploying applications, as opposed
to individual Python packages.)

In my experience, the conversation usually unfolds with developers
(like me:) snarkely saying how annoyed we are and systems packagers
(and administrators) explaining all of the rules they have to follow
and that we should follow too.

In practice, I think the result is usually that developers make an
end-run around system packaging system, either building in production,
or by building system packages that bundle dependencies to get needed
control.  The result is that at least some of the system packagers
goals are subverted.

In my experience, both sides have legitimate goals, but the problem is
rarely, if ever, approached from the point of view of recognizing both
sets of goals coming up with a (probably new) solution that addresses
both sets of goals.  (Note that "doing things the way I've always done
them" is *not* a valid goal. :)

I believe that solutions that address both sets of goals are possible
and even practical, but it has to start with a consideration of the
underlying goals.


Jim Fulton

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