[Distutils] distributing only .pyc with stdeb

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Nov 22 21:13:43 CET 2010

On Nov 22, 2010, at 01:55 AM, Karel Antonio Verdecia Ortiz wrote:

>I'm using stdb to generate .deb packages for ubuntu but I need this packages
>to contain only the compiled modules (.pyc) and not the source modules
>(.py). ¿What parameters have I to use to get only the .pyc files?

Including only the .pyc files would mean that your package was not free
software, and so it would violate the Debian Free Software Guideline.  Thus
I'd be surprised if the tool supported that use case easily or directly.

Not that it can't be done, but you'll probably have to write some custom
debian/rules file to handle that case.

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