[Distutils] "Out of source" bdist_egg, missing metadata

Augusto Destrero destrero at imavis.com
Thu May 27 10:54:27 CEST 2010

Hi, I've a question on setuptools egg creation.

I've a directory structure like this:

|---- setup_foo
|     |---- setup.py
|---- src
|     |---- foo
|     |     |---- __init__.py
|     |     |---- foo_module.py
|     |---- bar
|     |     |---- __init__.py
|     |     |---- bar_module.py
|     |---- common
|     |     |---- __init__.py
|     |     |---- common_module.py 

Basically I have a src directory containing three packages (foo, bar and 
common), and I have a setup_foo directory OUTSIDE src, where I want to build 
an egg containing foo and common packages, and NOT bar package.

In the setup_foo/setup.py script I have something like this:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from setuptools import setup, find_packages

src_dir = "../src"

      description="foo and common packages",
      packages=find_packages(src_dir, exclude=['bar', 'bar.*']),
      package_dir={'': src_dir},
      foo_app = foo.foo_module:app_factory
      common_app = common.common_module:app_factory

You can see that I have two entry points (in this case for use with 
PasteDeploy in a wsgi project).

If I build an egg with that file:

$ cd setup_foo/
$ python setup.py bdist_egg

I can find a foo.egg-info directory under src which contains all metadata:

$ ls src/foo.egg-info/
dependency_links.txt  entry_points.txt  not-zip-safe  PKG-INFO  requires.txt  
SOURCES.txt  top_level.txt

But in the egg created under setup_foo/dist I don't have those metadata:

$ cd setup_foo/dist/
$ unzip foo-0.1-py2.6.egg
$ ls EGG-INFO/
not-zip-safe  SOURCES.txt

And of course, after installing that egg with easy_install, PasteDeploy can't 
find the entry points.

Is this a setuptools bug or I'm doing something wrong? I use setuptools 0.6.10 
distributed in Ubuntu Lucid.

Thank you in advance for your help, and excuse me for the lenghty email! 
Please answer also to my email address, because I'm not a list subscriber.

Augusto Destrero

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