[Distutils] Does buildout have a way to issue its version of sys.path?

kiorky kiorky at cryptelium.net
Sat May 8 16:20:10 CEST 2010

with minitage.recipe.scripts, you can generate a '.env' file, then when you
source it put the appropriate 'PYTHONPATH' in the current environment.


I use it mainly for vim with that plugin:

Le 08/05/2010 09:16, kevin a écrit :
> Ok, I use vim in the console.  I have python compiled into it, the
> system python. If i could get the value of sys.path in my buildout, I
> could add it  to vim and then have omni completion for everything in
> the buildout.  That's the goal.
> So:  is there a way to get sys.path's value in a buildout?  I'd like
> to make things a bit more automatic than copying the sys.path
> invocation in bin/buildout itself...
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