[Distutils] developing & managing multiple packages with dependencies

Brad Allen bradallen137 at gmail.com
Thu May 6 23:53:12 CEST 2010


I'm looking for case studies or other examples of management of a
development/test/build/QA/release process involving lots of Python
packages with dependencies.

At work currently, we use Hudson for running our tests, and are using
it to produce eggs, sdists, and PIP requirements files. It's shaping
up to be a nice way to build our packages, but it's about to get a lot
bigger with a lot more packages and complex dependencies. We're
working on defining processes for our developers and testers, and
we're inventing as we go.

I have a good idea where we need to go with this, but our management
wants to hear how others in the community handle this kind of
challenge with releasing multiple dependent packages together,
especially in light of workflows made possible by DVCS. (We're using

Does anyone have any stories to tell on this front?

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