[Distutils] zc.buildout 1.5.0b1 and zc.recipe.egg.1.2.3b1

Dave Peticolas dave at krondo.com
Sat May 1 05:55:54 CEST 2010

Thanks for the quick resolution of this, I just wanted to mention
a problem I ran into with these that I don't think I saw reported
in the archives.

After working around the 'cannot import warnings' problem, I was
getting errors where buildout complained about a missing find-links
parameter. I set that to the empty value:

find-links =

And then got the same thing with another one, can't remember which.
I set that to the empty value, and then ran into a traceback about
a parameter, I think it was 'include_site_packages' being passed to
the working_set function that it didn't support. Sorry I can't be
more specific about that, I was rebuilding my virtualenv several
times, when it started working again thanks to the b2 releases.

Since this was around the time the b2 versions were released,
maybe it was a version mismatch between a b1 and b2 version?


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