[Distutils] RFC: Barely minimal CI + tests + packaging in Python WAS: Guidelines for where to put tests & how to package them

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Mon Mar 1 20:22:18 CET 2010

P.J. Eby wrote:
> At 10:41 AM 2/25/2010 -0500, Olemis Lang wrote:
>> PS: BTW, how could I trigger easy_install(ation) at a given point
>> while implementing a distutils command, and let the command perform
>> further actions if deps are installed correctly ?
> Setuptools' "Distribution" object has a method for fetching 
> dependencies.  See setuptools' "test" command for an example.  (This 
> doesn't install the dependencies globally, just drops eggs into the 
> build directory.  But they're there and available to be reused for 
> installation in a later phase, under normal circumstances.)

...which is all pretty grim. If you use this with other packaging tools, 
like, say, buildout, the testing dependencies just get dumped into your 
buildout, which is a bit yucky to put it mildly.

How about putting them where other eggs get put but only making them 
available for the tests?

Failing that, how about putting them somewhere temporary?


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