[Distutils] [buildout/easyinstall] downloading from a url

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Tue Jun 1 19:51:05 CEST 2010

P.J. Eby wrote:
> At 01:05 PM 6/1/2010 +0100, Chris Withers wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> We have a collection of private eggs served from a simple folder 
>> served up by Apache.
>> However, the following does not find the eggs:
 > I can't speak to the buildout part, but if you can do an 'easy_install
 > -vvn ...' with the others, I'd like to see what it's doing.

Heh, okay, got to the bottom of this.
The username is an Active Directory username, and so has a domain in it, 
meaning it also has a forward slash in it...

Doubling the forward slash solved the problem...


Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing & Python Consulting
            - http://www.simplistix.co.uk

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