[Distutils] distribute doesn't use pip?

David Cournapeau cournape at gmail.com
Sat Jan 30 02:58:32 CET 2010

On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 10:29 AM, Lennart Regebro <regebro at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 23:03, Tom Davis <tom at recursivedream.com> wrote:
>> Basically, the numpy folks have said they have no plans to support
>> easy_install because it uses eggs
> Yeah, that statement is somewhat nonsensical IMO.

The problem is not using eggs, but how they are installed by
easy_install/setuptools (flat vs non-flat). As pip install things from
sources, it should not cause the same issues. It seems Robert fixed
some of the issues, and every remaining one will be fixed in due time.


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