[Distutils] Buildout: Including another Python project via mercurial?

Sridhar Ratnakumar sridharr at activestate.com
Thu Jan 28 20:32:33 CET 2010

I originally posted this in Stackoverflow: 

Here's my buildout.cfg:

     parts = ... pyrtm ...
     develop = . parts/pyrtm
     eggs = pyrtm

     recipe = mercurialrecipe
     repository = http://bitbucket.org/srid/pyrtm


Assume that `pyrtm' has a release on PyPI, but I don't wish to use that. 
What I want here is to use the pyrtm from hg repository directly in my 
current project. This means:

1/ if I do "import pyrtm", it should use the pyrtm in the local checkout 
(not from pypi release)

2/ Automatically fetch the dependencies (install_requires) of pyrtm when 
I run bin/buildout. (otherwise, pyrtm wouldn't work. doh!)

The above buildout.cfg does none of the above. How do I make it work as 

Note that `pyrtm' actually does not have any dependencies and I used it 
as an example only (In actuality, I want to rely on an internal package 
that has several installation requirements).

Lennart originally suggested the "develop =" syntax which, as shown 
above, does not work. Any ideas?


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