[Distutils] error in using easy_install command

Irene Formaioni irene.formaioni at intecs.it
Tue Jan 12 12:32:32 CET 2010

i've installed setuptools and i try to use easy_install but it doesn't 
work. ( i use Windows XP)
 From the IDLE (GUI)  i obtain this error:

IDLE 2.6.3     
 >>> easy_install -f http://pypi.python.org/pypi/functest/0.8.8 functest
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

You can tell me why, where i mistake .

Thank you


*Irene Formaioni

*Intecs - Informatica e Tecnologia del Software
*via E. Giannessi,5
Loc. Ospedaletto I-56121 Pisa

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