[Distutils] buildout config question

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Wed Jan 13 09:18:47 CET 2010

Olaf Conradi wrote:
> [bank2ledger]
> recipe = zc.recipe.egg:scripts
> eggs =
>     bank2ledger
>     pyxdg
> [pylint]
> recipe = zc.recipe.egg
> eggs =
>     pylint
>     ${bank2ledger:eggs}
> entry-points = pylint=pylint.lint:Run
> arguments = sys.argv[1:]+[
>     '--output-format=parseable',
>     'bank2ledger']

Both of these sections generate a bin/bank2ledger script.
This is an error, and one that buildout should likely complain about.

You need to arrange for one of them to have a different name.
zc.recipe.egg may have a way to support that, check the docs and let us 
know what you find.



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