[Distutils] packaging terminology confusion

Tarek Ziadé ziade.tarek at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 12:49:56 CET 2010

On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 12:37 AM, Suno Ano <suno.ano at sunoano.org> wrote:
>  John> I would also add the common use of the term "distribution" to
>  John> that glossary as well.
> Yes, true that, at http://python.org/download/ we have *distributions*
> to download.
> I figure the definition for *Installer* should then include that term
> too. To summarize, we now have the terms
>  - package
>  - parcel
>  - project
>  - release
>  - installer
>  - distribution
> Do others agree? Is something missing? Something wrong with that point
> of view?

I am not sure to understand what is the difference between "parcel"
and "distribution" in your list, because
the definition John gave doesn't really differ ("that big software
archive that you download, unpack, and install-")

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