[Distutils] distribute 0.6.10 and convert_2to3_doctests

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Thu Jan 7 16:36:50 CET 2010

On Jan 07, 2010, at 02:34 PM, Lennart Regebro wrote:

>I just checked out munepy, and tried it, and with me the problem is
>that it doesn't even copy it. That's because Distribute sees any
>non-python file as "Package data", which means you have to set
>include_package_data = True in setup().

Ah yes, of course.  Thanks, that's definitely a bug in my setup.py.  I've
fixed this and pushed up the latest revisions.  I will upload the package to
pypi soon.

>There is a bug here, or several. I suspect we should try to copy
>doctest files in this case, even if you don't have
>include_package_data, and also Distribute should complain if the
>specified doctest file doesn't exist or isn't being copied.

Either way seems fine.  It would be nice to have more automatic support of
doctests in general, but I'm also okay with Distribute just complaining and
making me fix my setup.py.

>But in any case, once I add "include_package_data = True" it works for
>me, the file does get copied and converted.
>The next problem is that the tests seem to be run on the original, and
>not on the build-copy. And why that is, I don't know, and I have to
>debug that, which I can't do right now. I'll try tonight or tomorrow.
>It's most likely a bug in Distribute.

Thanks.  I wonder if my test_documentation.py is doing evil things that
confuse Distribute?

I really think getting this right will provide a very powerful incentive to
Python package authors, both to switch to Distribute and to support Python 3.
I'm very excited to see this functionality.

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