[Distutils] Beta release of zc.buildout 1.5.0

Gary Poster gary.poster at canonical.com
Fri Apr 30 23:02:08 CEST 2010

On Apr 30, 2010, at 4:38 PM, Tarek Ziadé wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 4:28 AM, Gary Poster <gary.poster at canonical.com> wrote:
>> I have made a beta release of zc.buildout 1.5.0.
>> Among other changes, this release includes the ability to use zc.buildout with a system Python, if you use the new z3c.recipe.scripts instead of zc.recipe.egg for generating scripts.
>> Changelog:
>> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zc.buildout/1.5.0b1#b1-2010-04-29
>> In my experience, working with a system ("non-clean") Python can be fragile in many ways.  However, this release addresses the problems I have encountered so far.
>> Your feedback is welcome.  I hope to make a final release sometime next week.
> There's a big problem in our ecosystem:  PyPI + our various installers
> don't have the concept of "beta" release. Any new release is
> considered to be the latest release.
> Until it's fixed, I think we should avoid pushing any betas to PyPI,
> especially zc.buildout, because many buildout instances
> out there are getting upgraded automatically. Leading to a wave of
> problems when there's an issue in the release.
> I propose that we "hide" the beta version on PyPI until all problems
> are cleared u, so people don't auto-upgrade their buildouts.

I have done so, for zc.buildout and zc.recipe.egg.  However, merely hiding them is apparently insufficient, in my tests.

I am investigating other options.

> Moreover, zc.buildout is very fragile to all the different setups out
> there. We have been doing manual tests in the past, but we should
> definitely set up some continuous integration tools. We should try, if
> anyone has some time, to implement a few functional tests where
> buildout would be used in various environments.
> - with/without virtualenv),
> - a typical plone setup
> - etc.
> Last but not least, I think this auto-upgrade feature zc.buildout
> should be removed.  I'd be in favor of an explicit update of this
> software, rather than having zc.buildout auto-upgrading itself like
> this.
> Having a system broken because a new version was pushed at PyPI is not
> something we should end up with.

I'm in favor of this general statement, certainly.

> The auto upgrade feature should be
> optional (and disabled by default IMHO, or at least asking the
> question at the prompt ?).
> Regards
> Tarek
>> Gary
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> -- 
> Tarek Ziadé | http://ziade.org

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