[Distutils] Installing stdeb on vanilla Ubuntu

Gerry Reno greno at verizon.net
Sun Sep 27 20:34:01 CEST 2009

Olof Bjarnason wrote:
> Hi distutils!
> So I'm quite sure stdeb is the tool for "py2deb" I'm looking for.
> What are the "correct" steps of installing this tool, assuming
> Ubuntu9.04. I guess I need this:
> 1. Python (check)
> 2. distutils (check)
> 3. setuptools (dunno? how do I install?)
> 4. stdeb (how do I install correctly?)
> As all of you know by now, I'm fairly new to distutils, PyPI, eggs,
> cheesecake, setuptools and stdeb. It's a whole new universe! :)
You need to install setuptools from your distro package manager.

You can then use easy_install to install stdeb.


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