[Distutils] setup.cfg new format proposal

Alex Grönholm alex.gronholm at nextday.fi
Wed Sep 16 03:56:17 CEST 2009

David Lyon kirjoitti:
> On Wed, 16 Sep 2009 00:42:24 -0000, exarkun at twistedmatrix.com wrote:
>> I don't think it's really this simple.  
> If it isn't, then it should be made to be that simple...
>> The point is to have static definition of the package information.  
> It would be a huge win for everybody if we could get over this
> hurdle.
>> Having a Python program define this information at runtime does not 
>> satisfy this requirement.  
> I agree with that. That's why I suggested it in the first place.
>> You can 
>> say that the simple sys.platform test is not evil, but how does that 
>> lead to a solution allowing PyPI to tell users what the dependencies for 
>> a package are on their platform?
> I've been ardently campaigning for the static metadata to include
> platform specific package definition for a number of months. I'll
> just assume you missed my posts.
> Here I'll just redescribe a typical win32/linux situation. On
> win32 the odbc is built in, but you need win32com to access
> it. On Linux, you don't have odbc so you need pyodbc.
> """
> [setup]
> name = myframework
> version = 1.1
> [dependencies]
> packages = cherrypy, 1.1
>     objectmapper, 1.5
> [dependencies win32]
> packages = win32com
> [dependencies linux2]
> packages = pyodbc
> """
> It is really very simple.
>> Still, it may be that if the only use case here is conditionally 
>> declaring a dependency if the install target is Windows, a simpler 
>> solution might suffice.  I won't try to describe such a solution. 
>> Instead, I'll ask if that premise seems valid.
> Yes. The premise is true for both windows and linux. They're similar
> but different.
>> What use cases do we have?  There's the one described above, which lots 
>> of people have been talking about.  I think there's another one related 
>> to target Python version - eg, on Python 2.3, depend on simplejson, but 
>> on Python 2.6, don't.  What else?
> Ok. Not what else, here's the complete list:
>  1) Additional packages on old python versions . eg need lxml if
>     xml support isn't available. simplejson.
>  2) Additional packages due to o/s ommission. eg win32com on
>     on windows and pyodbc on linux.
> They are the typical use cases. 
> It's either one or two lines in a config file or one or two lines
> in the setup.py script.. 
> So it is either
> 1) """
> [dependencies linux2]
> packages = pyodbc
> """
> or..
> 2) """
>     if setup.platform == "linux2":
>         setup.dependencies.append('pyodbc')
> """
> Anyway, the real issue here is philosophy. Eliminating
> platform specifics vs making it simple for real world
> use cases.
> I'm also pretending that I didn't look in distutils code
> and see how many "darwin" references there actually
> are. But it isn't about that.. just being able to
> conditionally install extra packages as required based
> on whichever of the three major o/s the user happened to
> choose.
Make sure you don't forget about Java (which is a "platform" of its own) 
and .NET.
> David
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