[Distutils] Compile C code and install to script dir?

OB o.borderline at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 00:10:31 CEST 2009

Thank you for the quick response. Unfortunately, there are still a few
difficulties I am having.

One issue is that I do not have an Extention in this package to piggyback
the hello.c -> hello compilation onto. This compilation would also be
performed for /every/ Extension given in ext_modules. If no extensions are
given, the compilation never happens. If files that are not really python
extensions are given, distutils crashes when trying to construct the egg
because there is no real extension.

Another issue for me is that the link_executable command seems to not
include data the environment variable LDPATH, unlike link_shared_object and
preprocess. This isn't a huge deal, but it meant that I had to manually
insert the LDPATH flags into link_executable's extra_preargs

If, instead of overriding build_ext, I try to do this outside of setup, a
few issues get much harder. Without access to build_ext's self.build_temp
and self.build_lib, how do I put the compiled binary into the right egg

Any further advice would be greatly appreciated!

On 9/12/09 2:45 am, "Floris Bruynooghe" <floris.bruynooghe at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 01:15:07PM -0700, OB wrote:
>> I am trying to get distutils to compile a single C script and install the
>> binary to the same script directory as the entry point scripts that are
>> generated for the python part of the module. I would like to use all the
>> includes, CFLAGS, etc that are used when compiling extension modules, but
>> this C script is not an extension. Is there a way to do this through setup,
>> or do I need to use distutils.ccompiler.new_compiler() and try to hunt down
>> CFLAGS, default libs, etc?
> (Ignoring the setuptools part of your question as I don't use that,
> but I'm pretty sure it's very similar if not the same)
> If you don't want to create the compiler the easiest is to extend the
> build_ext command:
> """
> from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
> class MyBuildExt(build_ext):
>     def run(self):
>         build_ext.run(self)
>         self.compiler.link_executable(['hello.c'], 'hello')
> setup(name='foo',
>       ...
>       cmdclass = {'build_ext': MyBuildExt})
> """
> Here build_ext.run() will be setting all the include dirs, macros,
> libs, rpaths etc into the compiler, which is what you want I think.
> Obviously play around with the arguments to link_executable(), or you
> could do it in 2 steps and create the object files first with
> self.compiler.compile() if you want/need.
> If you don't want to extend build_ext then you've got to create the
> compiler with distutils.ccompiler.new_compiler() and
> distutils.sysconfig.customize_compiler().  Hunting down the settings
> is a bit harder then, you'll be reading build_ext.finalize_options()
> and build_ext.run() to figure this out.
> Regards
> Floris

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