[Distutils] Alternate static metadata PEP submission...

Eric Smith eric at trueblade.com
Fri Oct 30 23:43:29 CET 2009

Chris Withers wrote:
> Fred Drake wrote:
>> I'd rather see the static data in setup.cfg and no setup.py if there's
>> no need for custom Python code.  


> I think "python setup.py install" is so idiomatic that it seems silly to 
> break it for the sake of two lines of python. There's also an element of 
> "explicit is better than implicit" in the feel of actually running 
> setup.py...

Of course. But you don't know that there are 2 lines of Python, and you 
don't know what they do. The whole point of static metadata is that you 
can inspect a distribution without executing arbitrary, unknown code.


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