[Distutils] Distribute support added in zc.buildout

kiorky kiorky at cryptelium.net
Sat Oct 24 11:16:11 CEST 2009

Lennart Regebro a écrit :
> 2009/10/24 kiorky <kiorky at cryptelium.net>:
> The only recipe useful? Huh. I guess nobody uses zc.buildout then.
> That must be why it has so bad ratings on PyPI. ;)
If tomorrow frameworks i use, rely on that for deployment, it would be hard to
ignore it.

> A friendly recommendation: You need to get less negative. Seriously.
I'm not negative and i think things evolve quite well :)
I just want to make hard points not forgotten.
As a side note, on all the projects i manage, all is already switched to use

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