[Distutils] Future namespace support

Lennart Regebro regebro at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 07:58:08 CEST 2009

2009/10/14 kiorky <kiorky at cryptelium.net>:
> In the context of migration, for example.
> Take the plone "collective" namespace, all the modules won't be updated at the
> same time, we will have a painful cohabitation time.

Well, making coordinated releases there is tricky, since there is
different people having the rights on PyPI. But that is one of the
very few namespaces this would be a problem at. But the current
solutions do not have any problems in being mixed, so I still don't
see why a new solution should have that problem.

>> I see no reason that they should not continue to work.

> Choose to go on that new stuff that is not backward compatible.

That new stuff doesn't exist yet. How do you know it will not work?

> I ve heard that before. Hay, Tarek, go out that body ! Yep, i know, but these
> are point that we must keep in mind before the new implementation prevent us
> from providing bits of backward compatibility.

You have gotten the idea that just because the namespace PEP will not
be  backwards compatible with setuptools 0.6, that means that you
can't mix all of them in the same system. If this is correct, I would
like to hear *why* this is so. Because then we need to change that.

But unless you can  explain why it will be impossible to mix them,
then I will trust my gut feeling that it is possible.

Lennart Regebro: Python, Zope, Plone, Grok
+33 661 58 14 64

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