[Distutils] Alternate static metadata PEP submission...

David Lyon david.lyon at preisshare.net
Wed Oct 14 07:15:10 CEST 2009

On Wed, 14 Oct 2009 12:10:48 +0900, David Cournapeau  wrote:

> The only way I can think to make this work is to actually
> generate a setup.py

That's right...

> (or in the other direction, to generate a setup.info
> from setup.py). 

Yes, that will be required also..

> I think it is much better long-term solution for a
> 'distutils  v2' ...

My proposal is to build the installation section of
'distutils  v2' into a setup.py. And share it around.

> than trying to fix the existing code, but it is
> certainly a lot of work,

What's a few thousand lines of code between friends..

But don't forget it's the one chance that we get
to build a whole new system with completely fresh code.

After so many years of the old code.. I think we
need a chance to get some new code..


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