[Distutils] Setuptools 0.6c10 release imminent; please test

ssteinerX@gmail.com ssteinerx at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 02:14:59 CEST 2009

On Oct 12, 2009, at 7:48 PM, P.J. Eby wrote:

> At 07:28 PM 10/12/2009 -0400, ssteinerX at gmail.com wrote:
>> we must "uninstall Distribute completely" get these fixes.
> That's Distribute's doing, not mine.  As I understand it, their  
> package includes a 'setuptools' package, and if it's on your  
> sys.path, then installing the new version of setuptools will be a no- 
> op.  If they hadn't done that, there'd be no problem.  See the  
> Distribute documentation.
> In any case, the update is not intended for people who are happy to  
> have Distribute, but the people who are unhappy about having to  
> switch, or deal with its workarounds...  or just wish the whole  
> discussion would go away.
>> Then suddenly out of the blue
> It may appear sudden to you, if you haven't been reading Python- 
> Dev.  There's been quite a bit of discussion about an urgent bug  
> that Tarek introduced in Python 2.6.3.  It's mainly because of that  
> bug that I took the time to go ahead and get a bunch of other  
> pending bugs cleaned up and checked in.

No, I've been reading Python-Dev right along.

Yes, Python 2.6.3 included a change that broke a year-old, orphaned  
product, in severe need of bug fixes that lots of people just happen  
to depend on.

The fall-down was in the testing done before the Python release and  
I'm sure more testing will be done in that area before the 2.6.4  
bugfix release.

I find it kind of comical, and a little pathetic, that you think you  
can just whip out a bug fix after a year of frustration and everone's  
just going to forget history and sign up for more of the same.

As Alex said in response to my previous message:

> Too little, too late, no thanks, I'll just be sticking with  
> Distribute from now on.
Several developers and an open development process vs a lone coder  
with a closed codebase? That's not really a choice at all...

Sorry, it doesn't look like anyone wants to play with you any more;  
you can just keep your ball.

Maybe you could submit some patches into the open Distribute process.   
Now _that_ would be helpful.


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