[Distutils] PyPM

Sridhar Ratnakumar sridharr at activestate.com
Fri Oct 9 17:27:16 CEST 2009

On Fri, 09 Oct 2009 04:03:52 -0700, Chris Withers <chris at simplistix.co.uk>  

> Sridhar Ratnakumar wrote:
>> This release includes a new packaging tool by activestate called Python
>> Package Manager (PyPM).
> Is PyPM available separately?

No, PyPM comes only with ActivePython (just like PPM does with ActivePerl).

>> Here's a sample command line output::
>>      $ pypm install lxml
> Where does this get lxml from?

 From the binary repository:

$ pypm -vv install lxml

> How can I control that?

$site-packages/pypm/client/client.conf OR the -L option

> Where does this put the package on disk?

"PyPM follows the PEP 370 specification and installs packages by default  
in ~/.local on Unix and Mac and %APPDATA%\Python on Windows;"


$ pypm files lxml

> How can I have separate package requirements for different python  
> projects on the same box?

Hmm, I don't understand this question.

> How can I specify the version of lxml required?

It is currently not possible (not exposed as command line argument), but  
should be implemented in subsequent releases.

> How can I reproduce the environment required for a particular project?

If by that you mean something like 'pip bundle', this is currently not  
available. Please open a ticket at  


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