[Distutils] Packaging Distribute

Alex Grönholm alex.gronholm at nextday.fi
Fri Oct 9 13:55:41 CEST 2009

Chris Withers kirjoitti:
> Tarek Ziadé wrote:
>> 1- we ship 0.7 under a new name - e.g. like "distribute2"
> You could even take the opportunity to rename it completely to 
> something that makes sense ;-)
While I agree that the name was badly chosen (for reasons you outline 
below), a name change at this point would introduce even more confusion.
> To re-iterate my argument: Distribute doesn't distribute anything. If 
> anything was to be called Distribute, it'd be the PyPI software. 
> Calling it Installer or Pacman might make more sense...
> Chris
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