[Distutils] Package install failures in 2.6.3 - setuptools vs Distribute

Bill Janssen janssen at parc.com
Tue Oct 6 19:00:54 CEST 2009

Ronald Oussoren <ronaldoussoren at mac.com> wrote:

> Installing distribute is therefore not problematic for most people, if
> they know that the project exists.  The fact that distribute is a
> seperate project from setuptools can be a problem for people:
> installing a bugfix release for a software product that we're already
> using at work is significantly easier than introducing a new software
> product.

For me, it's more a matter of "OS X 10.6 already comes with setuptools;
how can I mitigate the impact of this buggy unmaintained package on the
systems I'm building to deploy on OS X?".  Adding distribute to the mix,
however good it is, doesn't help; I'm going to use a pure distutils
solution.  And I can't really install a bugfix release for the Python
frameworks in /System; only Apple can do that.


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