[Distutils] bdist_deb in stdeb

Gerry Reno greno at verizon.net
Thu Oct 1 01:40:16 CEST 2009

Andrew Straw wrote:
> Gerry Reno wrote:
>> Andrew, how can I generate the .deb package without the leading
>> 'python-' in the name? Is this configurable?
> Yes. The 'Package' option. Described in "Customizing the produced Debian
> source package (config options)" in the README.rst.
Ok, in my stdeb.cfg I put this:
Package:  myapp

And it generates the .deb without the 'python-' prefix.  But, when I 
install this .deb it installs but no longer runs the postinst script.  
If I put back the 'python-' prefix then the postinst runs again.


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