[Distutils] PEP 386 status - last round here ?

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Thu Nov 26 13:08:34 CET 2009

Here's another take at a minimal change to the format which
includes the things we discussed, adds a few more aliases
for the "post" and "dev" markers and also adds optional
underscores for more readability.

VERSION_RE = re.compile(r'''
    (?P<version>\d+\.\d+)          # minimum 'N.N'
    (?P<extraversion>(?:\.\d+)*)   # any number of extra '.N' segments
    (?:                            # pre-release tag
    $''', re.VERBOSE + re.I)


< 3.2.0a1
= 3.2.0_alpha_1
< 3.2.0a1.20091125
< 3.2.0rc1
= 3.2.0c1
< 3.2.0rc1.20091125
= 3.2.0_rc1.20091125
< 3.2.0
< 3.2.0.sp1
= 3.2.0.fix1
= 3.2.0.post1

One nit I have with the order of the N.N.devN version is that it is regarded
"more" than any of the pre-release tags, but less than the release itself:

< 1.0rc1
< 1.0.dev456
< 1.0

IMHO, the order should be:

< 1.0a1.dev456
< 1.0a1
< 1.0rc1.dev456
< 1.0rc1
< 1.0

since the .dev versions are really only snapshots leading up to
some release, i.e. 1.0.dev456 is a snapshot leading up to the
first pre-release of the 1.0 :-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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