[Distutils] People want CPAN :-)

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Mon Nov 9 07:57:25 CET 2009

Rakotomandimby Mihamina <mihamina at gulfsat.mg> writes:

> For example, debian packaging what is on pypi must be straighforward.
> (same for RPM based distribution and other systems)

Packaging for Debian is much more about following the policy, which
deliberately involves human intervention and judgement, and can't very
well be automated. RPM, as I understand it, is more lax and a simple RPM
can be generated quite automatically.

Can you give an example of what you mean:

  * How straightforward do you find performing the Debian packaging for
    a Perl package, and what tools do you use to do it?

  * Would you consider it sufficient for the same (or equivalent)
    process to apply for Debian packaging of a Python package?

 \       “If consumers even know there's a DRM, what it is, and how it |
  `\     works, we've already failed.” —Peter Lee, Disney corporation, |
_o__)                                                             2005 |
Ben Finney

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