[Distutils] [Python-Dev] Version strings

Eric Smith eric at trueblade.com
Fri Mar 27 23:28:38 CET 2009

Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> I just collected the version strings of versions that
> got released to PyPI, and put up the list on
> http://www.dcl.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/home/loewis/versions

That's excellent, thank you.

The following chunk of text is present. I don't really care, except that 
it might mean a bug in your extraction routine. Or maybe it's just a 
very wacky version string!

Sysv_ipc gives Python programs access to System V semaphores, shared memory
  and message queues. Most (all?) Unixes (including OS X) support System 
  Windows+Cygwin 1.7 might also work.

  Sample code is included.

  This extension is released under the GPL.

  You might also be interested in the similar POSIX IPC module at:
  T-0.3.4 (BitTornado)

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