[Distutils] sdist default archive format

David Lyon david.lyon at preisshare.net
Thu Jun 18 09:12:13 CEST 2009

On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 02:32:10 -0300, Leonardo Santagada
<santagada at gmail.com>
> The tar code is built in within python (there have been problems with  
> early versions of the tar module though).

Ok - well maybe it is fixed now...

> What about unix permissions are those supported on zip, and are they  
> important in a source package? I would think they are importante (and  
> not supported in zip) but I'm not sure.


But we are back to coin tossing... :-)

If you think about it, the "scripts" get specified in the metadata.

Distutils itself, if running on *nix, can chmod the scripts with +x
as required. (As in, when "setup.py install" is run...

That way, nothing is being done that is "naughty"......

It means people can have their scripts and have them +x'ed too....

(but only after they arrive... ie no sneaky +x scripts can
 be shipped.)

Then the issue should come back to which archive format has the
best support within python (core).. ie fastest.. most robust..

Whatever is the best black box... should be the winner...


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