[Distutils] Packaging: bdist_deb patches / platform specific code

David Lyon david.lyon at preisshare.net
Tue Jun 9 05:15:06 CEST 2009

On Mon, 8 Jun 2009 23:37:42 -0300, Leonardo Santagada <santagada at gmail.com>
>> builds for any platform....
> Because this is almost impossible... 

Not true...

Don't forget, cygwin runs under windows, and wine runs under linux

So it's not so difficult to build windows targets under linux and
linux targets under windows.

Cross compiling has been common practice for the last 30 years.

> for example building a win_inst  
> package on linux (let alone other unixes, etc) is very very hard  
> (specially if it involves extensions).

It should work under wine, or should be made to work under wine.

This is an example of something that can be adapted to work
under linux with not too many problems.

> the same for rpm, deb and mpkg.

Granted. They're are a bit more tricky. But essentially they
are all just zip files with some entry and exit scripts.

> Distutils should provide all tools to make this happen, but the  
> package creation itself should be let to each system. 

At a minimum, distutils should be able to create an .egg that will
work on every system.

I still believe in cross-compilers... even python itself is a
sort of cross compiler.... killing the cross compilation side of
distutils seems way worse than enhancing it....


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