[Distutils] Colour this bikeshed: Name for setuptools fork

Hanno Schlichting hanno at hannosch.eu
Fri Jul 17 22:05:08 CEST 2009

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 6:48 PM, Leonardo Santagada<santagada at gmail.com> wrote:
> Setuptools is dead, but the fork should be named something else just to show that development doesn't have anything to do with the way setuptools and is in fact a new and live project. People that were burned by setuptools should give distribute a new chance.

As with every OS project our fork will need to better define what
exactly it wants to achieve.

I will just say that I wholeheartedly disagree with the underlying
notion of the above statement.

I think setuptools is by and large a huge success and has pushed
package management in Python to a new level.  What we need is ongoing
maintenance and very careful evolution of it. Package management is no
place to go crazy and fancy. We will need to carefully look at what we
want to do and how we do it after some of the early strong emotional
reactions have settled down.

Anyone who wants to rewrite setuptools from scratch or thinks
"easy_install must die" probably will be very disappointed by the
distribute fork.


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