[Distutils] Progress on the first distribute release

Tarek Ziadé ziade.tarek at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 11:51:24 CEST 2009

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 7:28 PM, Hanno Schlichting<hanno at hannosch.eu> wrote:
> Hi there.
> As promised I have gone through the setuptools tracker and tried to
> identify the easy and ready-to-apply patches. As a result I have
> applied the patches found in eight tickets [1] to the current
> distribute code.
> If you have another issue that is similarly uncontroversial and like
> it to be fixed, please report a new issue at
> http://bitbucket.org/tarek/distribute/issues/new.
> I've readied my Windows box to build the required binary distributions
> and installers for the 0.6 release. So hopefully there's just a few
> more documentation updates to make, before we can get this release
> out.
> Cheers,
> Hanno

If everyone agrees, let's focus on changing the documentation and let's
release 0.6 final as soon as the documentation is changed and the name is found.

I'll branch then the repo to have a maintenance branch for 0.6, and we
will start on the 0.7x

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