[Distutils] easy_install: fix for new Sourceforge download pages

Hartmut Goebel h.goebel at goebel-consult.de
Sat Jul 4 22:48:11 CEST 2009


since Sourceforge did change their download pages, easy_install is no
longer able to fetch files there-from. Shame in Sourceforge!

For one of my tools I fixed this using the following code:

    def _download_html(self, url, headers, filename):
        if url.startswith('http://sourceforge.net/projects/'):
            if self._download_from_sf(url, filename):
        return PackageIndex._download_html(self, url, headers, filename)

    def _download_from_sf(self, url, filename):
        page = open(filename).read()
        basename = os.path.basename(filename)
        for match in HREF.finditer(page):
            link = urlparse.urljoin(url, htmldecode(match.group(1)))
                path = urlparse.urlparse(url)[2]
                base = urllib2.unquote(path.split('/')[-1])
                if base == basename:
                    self._download_to(link, filename)
                    return True
        return False

Schönen Gruß - Regards
Hartmut Goebel
Dipl.-Informatiker (univ.), CISSP, CSSLP

Goebel Consult
Spezialist für IT-Sicherheit in komplexen Umgebungen

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