[Distutils] Subclassing the compiler

Tarek Ziadé ziade.tarek at gmail.com
Sat Feb 21 23:37:46 CET 2009


You need to add your compiler into the ccompiler.compiler_class dict,
then specify the compiler type in the metadata in setup.py, with the
compiler option.


On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 11:06 PM, Simon Wood <sgwoodjr at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> The API reference for distutils tells how to get an instance of a new
> compiler sub-class with the following command:
> mycompiler = distutils.ccompiler.new_compiler(plat=None, compiler=None,
> verbose=0, dry_run=0, force=0)
> The API also specifies the commands to modify specific parameters within the
> returned compiler sub-class. However the API says nothing about how to
> actually "use" the new sub-class. In other words, how does one go about
> getting the following to work (or something similar)?
> python setup.py build
> where the build steps now use 'mycompiler'
> Thanks,
> -Simon
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