[Distutils] Specifying eggs and build manifest ?

David Lyon david.lyon at preisshare.net
Tue Dec 22 02:33:28 CET 2009

Just use buildout...

On Tue, 22 Dec 2009 10:24:07 +0900, David Cournapeau <cournape at gmail.com>
> Hi,
> I wonder if there is any interest in the current distribute effort to
> specify some low-level commonalities outside the distutils code for
> interoperation. In particular, I had two things in mind:
>  1 Formally specifying the egg format (and versioning it !) - or is
> egg format outside distribute goal ?
>  2 Formally specifying something like a build manifest which would be
> used for installation.
> I think the first point is self-explanatory. Concerning the second
> point, the current way of installing things in distutils is a bit too
> ad-hoc to my taste, and could be fixed inside distutils to make it
> easier to interoperate with other methods (be it native OS methods or
> other python-related tools). Right now, distutils install things from
> a list of files, but this only contains the target location for some
> kind of files. What about the following kind of format instead (or in
> complement for backward-compatibility):
>  - split the flat list into a list of "typed" sections, where type
> would be e.g. data, python files, extensions, scripts, etc...
>  - for each section, specify both the source and target directory.
>  - the format should be easy to parse/produce, and versioned.
> The rationale is that such a format would enable the following:
>  - it becomes easier to post-process files at install time, with
> different methods for each type
>  - such a format could form a basis to produce "conventional" install,
> eggs and other kind of installers, including convertion between them.
> Assuming this idea fits into what people involved in distribute are
> doing, I would be willing to propose a more formal description - I
> already have the implementation in my own project toydist, where I use
> build manifest to do explicit install and eggs/wininst conversion.
> cheers,
> David
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