[Distutils] Finishing PEP 345

Floris Bruynooghe floris.bruynooghe at gmail.com
Sat Dec 19 22:12:28 CET 2009

On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 03:41:48PM +0100, Tarek Ziadé wrote:
> The remaining point I can see is about : Repository-URL,
> Repository-Browse-URL, Bug-Tracker-URL.
> As Ian suggested I propose to change these three fields to:
> Project-URL (multiple-use) :
>     A string containing an URL for the project and a label for it.
> separated by a comma
> The URL is a valid browsable URL. (http/ftp/https).

How about dropping the word "browsable" from there as well as the
requirement on the schema?  I like the complete free-form approach to
this tough.

But the downside is that it will be harder for indexes like PyPI to
include relvant links in their UI.  There will have to be some sort of
"agreed" string for a bug tracker for example.

How forceful are you going to be with the 32 character limit?  Reject
it or just print warnings?


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