[Distutils] Distribute and zc.buildout + bootstraping file names + release/branches roadmap

Tarek Ziadé ziade.tarek at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 17:28:54 CEST 2009

On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 5:25 PM, Chris Withers<chris at simplistix.co.uk> wrote:
> Tarek Ziadé wrote:
>>> http://zope3.pov.lt/trac/changeset/102544
>> You also need to patch zc.buildout.Buildout class, that has some harcoded
>> calls
>> to setuptools installation (like in the bootstrap method)
> I've jsut made a bunch of changes to easy_install.py, buildout.py and
> egg.pyin r102547, can you see anything I missed?

I'll take a look asap

>>> When a distribute egg gets released, I'll try running these tests and see
>>> what happens...
>> You should be able to use nightly.ziade.org/ as an egg source in the
>> test fixture
> How do I do that?

I am not sure :) depends on how zc.buildout test fixture works

but nightly.ziade.org is a placeholder for eggs so it should be doable.

>> In any case, like Jim proposed, being able to pick setuptools *or*
>> distribute
>> eg removing the hardcoded installation sounds like a good idea
> ...but it's a lot more work.

I am pretty sure Jim will not want a simple s/setuptools/distribute/ switch
but if you can convince him, I am all +1

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