[Distutils] How to make easy_install handle platlibs?

Buck workitharder at gmail.com
Sat Apr 11 01:09:19 CEST 2009

I'm trying to separate platform-specific and platform-independent
files on my Python installation. ./configure --prefix --exec-prefix
does this nicely for Python proper, but modules seem to be a whole
different story.

>From my testing, distutils handles this OK, putting "pure" python
modules into the --prefix directory and modules with binary .so's into
the --execprefix. I guess it defaults the install-platbase to be the
same as the --exec-prefix used in configure?

When running easy_install on the same packages (elementtree and
numpy), they all go into the platform-independant area.

Is this expected?

I tried settings some things in the distutils.cfg, but nothing I did
seemed to help.

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