[Distutils] [Fwd: Re: Annoucing distribute project]

Tarek Ziadé ziade.tarek at gmail.com
Mon Sep 29 00:32:24 CEST 2008

On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 3:08 PM, Phillip J. Eby <pje at telecommunity.com>wrote:

> Meanwhile, legitimate *build* extensions can and should be restrained to
> *building*, rather than installing.  We can define a build directory layout
> for installers to use for actual installation, including various
> platform-specific elements (such as icons/menu items, registry stuff,
> post-install scripts, etc.) which it's then the responsibility of individual
> installer programs to handle.
> I guess that means that we would need to spec out:
> 1. Source tree layout
> 2. Build configuration files/build processing
> 3. configure.py
> 4. sdist format & metadata
> 5. build tree layout (for build code to build and installers to install
> from)

And what about documentation ? Do we want to have the documentation in the
build directory,
or this could be a specific element defined in the package ?

For instance, the long_description metadata is the string where we all push
our documentation
so it can be seen at PyPI, but we could have a better way to point the
package documentation
to PyPI or to other platforms.

I mean, look at this long_description here:
It's long for sure, and it is a merge of several files. We could probably do
better to describe the doc.

What would you have in configure.py  ? Is this where you define the
configuration for
your package or point an .ini or .cfg file ?

When a package uses a configuration file like an ini-based file, I'd say the
best place for it is under /etc for
Debian for instance, and probably inside the package itself for platform
like Windows,

So don't we miss a list of such files ?
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