[Distutils] [pyconuk] "just use debian"

Nicolas Chauvat nicolas.chauvat at logilab.fr
Fri Sep 26 23:41:16 CEST 2008


[sorry for slowly drifting away from pure distutils-related topics]

On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 11:47:03AM +0100, Chris Withers wrote:
>> My main tool is Python, but I have many other tools on my system. I
>> do not want to have as many package management utilities as
>> "subsystems". 
> Then I suggest you volunteer to maintain the debian packages for every  
> single python package.

Do you really think every single Python package in PyPI deserves to be
packaged for every distribution? I don't. How do I make a difference?
When I need something I download it. When I find it really useful and
plan on using it I package it. Many others are behaving in the same
way and the result is "apt-cache search python".

> If you have projects this large, then you likely want to roll your own  
> OS packages anyway.

I am not sure what you mean by "OS packages". Do you mean "roll your
own distribution" as in "roll your own thing based on Debian and adapt
packages to your needs as Ubuntu is doing"?

>> [Please note that for an experienced Debian developer, making the
>> initial package of a Python module can be a matter of half an hour to
>> a couple hours and releasing a new version a matter of minutes.]
> ...and for someone not using Debian or not an experienced Debian  
> developer? Despite being a fan of Debian, I'm well aware of just how  
> "friendly" a community it can be to the new user...

Do you expect someone who is not proficient at programming to quickly
design and develop a piece of software? What makes you think it would
be different for integrating pieces of software into a consistent

As I said on the pyconuk list, packaging software requires some work
and currently there is no way around it. Tools get better over time,
but automation is out of reach.

As usual "user != developer". For someone not using Debian: just be
happy with whatever tool you choose to use. For someone not an
experienced Debian developer: just wait for someone to do the work you
want to benefit from, or learn to do it yourself and get it done.

In my company's case, we worked for years on setting up an efficient
environment for software development and system administration and we
are now able to move python code from a mercurial repository to a
production system running Debian in a matter of minutes. The tools we
built to support this process have been free software from the very
beginning and can be found on our website

Nicolas Chauvat

logilab.fr - services en informatique scientifique et gestion de connaissances  

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