[Distutils] [pyconuk] "just use debian"

Nicolas Chauvat nicolas.chauvat at logilab.fr
Fri Sep 26 23:09:40 CEST 2008

Hi Stephen,

On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 11:59:18AM +0100, Stephen Pascoe wrote:
> I'm interested in hearing what you find so annoying about the egg format
> because for me it's the one part of the setuptools system that I would keep. 

I suppose the best answer is to point you to this thread:

There is also useful information at:
but I would not bet on the latter being up to date.

Baseline is "no problem with providing egg-info metadata, but pretty
please Python developers, do not code *for* distutils/setuptools/etc.
Just find a way to provide useful dependency/meta information then let
your users choose how they install your code on *their* system".

Nicolas Chauvat

logilab.fr - services en informatique scientifique et gestion de connaissances  

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