[Distutils] zc.buildout, recipe downloading dev eggs

Justin Ryan justizin at vongogo.net
Sat Oct 25 19:55:40 CEST 2008

On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 8:20 AM, Jim Fulton <jim at zope.com> wrote:

> On Oct 25, 2008, at 1:08 AM, Justin Ryan wrote:
> ...
>> I apologize if this isn't the place to ask about buildout, but it is
>> listed as the support address in PyPI.
> This is the right place.

Awesome. :)

> ...
>  My concern is that, of course, buildout expects dev-eggs to be in src/
>> when its' run,
> No it doesn't.  buildout is based on setuptools, which is based on
> distutils and builds on any mechanisms they provide, which are very
> flexible. Use of src directories is a common and generally convenient
> convention.

A great point.  I meant to say, it expects them to be accessible before any
parts are built out, AFAIK.

>  though dev products and other bits can come as dependencies of eggs and
>> via recipes.
>> What I want is to be able to download dev eggs in a recipe, which is
>> applied before the eggs are sought.
> I'm not sure what you're saying.
> You can certainly create develop eggs in a recipe.  Buildout "prefers"
> develop eggs over non-develop eggs, so it will use a develop egg rather than
> a regular egg if both satisfy given requirements, even develop eggs with
> lower version numbers.

It seems that I would have to run buildout twice for the develop eggs to be
available, if they are downloaded in a recipe, but perhaps I'm working on an
incorrect assumption.

After sending this message, I started wondering if a plugin would be more
appropriate than a recipe, using a recipe just seems simpler at the outset
because there are existing recipes to start with, at least for SVN.

> Note that this policy sometimes gets buildout into trouble since system
> installs often have the same type as develop eggs in setuptools.  I'm
> considering having buildout only prefer develop eggs found in it's
> develop-eggs directory.  I'm also, belatedly, planning to add an option to
> buildout to ignore site packages, which would also avoid this problem.

Seems to me that virtualenv is the answer to this problem, but it's not

Robert Half - "When one teaches, two learn."
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