[Distutils] Error using easy_install

tjk1 at rice.edu tjk1 at rice.edu
Tue Nov 25 01:47:42 CET 2008


I am trying to install easy_install and setuptools so I can install PyOpenGL.

I am using Windows XP Pro SP 2. I use Python 2.4.3 in the C:\Python24  

I downloaded and installed setuptools-0.6c9.win32-py2.4.exe without errors.

I have added C:\Python24\Scripts to my Path.

I have installed ctypes, numpy, PIL, SimpleParse, PyGame, and win32all.

When I try to use easy_install I get this error from pkg_resources.py,  
line 1913:

ImportError: No module named command.easy_install

I have read this trouble-shooting advice:
"If EasyInstall/setuptools appears to install correctly, and you can  
run the easy_install command but it fails with an ImportError, the  
most likely cause is that you installed to a location other than  
site-packages, without taking any of the steps described in the Custom  
Installation Locations section below. Please see that section and  
follow the steps to make sure that your custom location will work  
correctly. Then re-install."

But I am not installing to a custom location that I am aware of.  
setuptools is found in my C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\ directory.

I can't find any other information on the web other than the  
troubleshooting advice on Peak (quoted above).

Can someone help me fix my setuptools?


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