[Distutils] Multiple Egg files from one single setup.py

Tarek Ziadé ziade.tarek at gmail.com
Thu Mar 27 17:06:57 CET 2008

On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 12:18 AM, Dennis Kempin <python at dennis-kempin.de>

> Hi folks,
> i really like the setuptools project, it makes my life much easier, but
> recently i stumbled over the following problem:
> My Project constist of 2 main egg distributions and a bunch of "plugin"
> eggs.
> The first Problem ist: These projects are in the same source tree. like
> this:
> src/project/master
> src/project/plugins (namespace package)
> src/project/plugins/pa
> src/project/plugins/pb
> src/project/plugins/pc
> Well not a problem for setuptools since you can specify which packages to
> include into a distribution.
> But the problem is: when i call setup() multiple times in one setup.pyfile
> everything gets completly messed up. All egg files contain the whole
> project
> source.

What I would do is to create several eggs with these names:


Then organize the code like this on your box/repo:


                             the code

This is how Zope 3 is organized for instance: a bunch of eggs, that share
the same namespaces
but that are separated in independant folders, since setuptools allow
several packages
to share the same top namespace.

> My second solution was to create multiple setup.py files (setup-master.py,
> setup-pa.py, and so on) and call them via system(). But this resulted in
> some
> conflicts in the build directory.
> So well.. is it possible (and especially how is it possible) to create
> multiple egg files within one python instance (one setup.py file that is
> executed)?

I am not sure you can, but if you do as mentioned below, you should be fine.

> And another question:
> When i have all the plugin egg files packaged. I want to create a new egg
> file
> (project-dist) to distribute the master and all of its plugins (which are
> simply copied to a /etc/ folder).
> Thus a single egg file that installs the master and copies some egg files
> to a
> specified folder.

If your application is based on a collection of eggs, you can add them in
the "install_requires"
meta-data of a "main" egg. This will fetch them and install them as
But each egg has to be available at PyPI

Another solution to wrap an egg-based application is to use a tool like

Now this is how I work and do with eggs, and how most people do in Zope
but there might be other ways, I don't know.


Tarek Ziadé | Association AfPy | www.afpy.org
Blog FR | http://programmation-python.org
Blog EN | http://tarekziade.wordpress.com/
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