[Distutils] Capsule Summary of Some Packaging/Deployment Technology Concerns

Dave Peterson dpeterson at enthought.com
Tue Mar 18 21:40:10 CET 2008

I've added your comments to a wiki page 
(http://wiki.python.org/moin/PackagingBOF) I was working on to summarize 
some of what went on during these BoF meeting, at least from the 
Enthought point-of-view.  Unfortunately, I wasn't at the first night's 
event and don't yet have Travis Oliphant's notes on it here in front of 
me (he's still sprinting) so I only added some more detail to your 
comments, and also noted some previous issues we'd briefly discussed via 
e-mail with Phillip.

It was great to see so many people interested in sharing their 
experiences and wanting to help things get better!  As you can probably 
guess as a result of this being a two-night meeting, there wasn't enough 
time to discuss everything that needed to be brought up.  It was 
suggested that a wiki page be created (see above) and that a new mailing 
list be setup for those who wanted to discuss further.   (Some didn't 
feel the existing distutils-sig was appropriate.)   I'll try to get the 
latter done shortly.

-- Dave

Jeff Rush wrote:
> I was in a Packaging BoF yesterday and, although not very relevant to the 
> packager bootstrap thread, Guido has asked me to post some of the concerns.
> The BoF drew about 15 people...


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