[Distutils] bug in setuptools 0.6c8/undefined log in entries_finder()/sdist.py

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Sun Jun 29 20:17:45 CEST 2008

sdist.py contains this:

def entries_finder(dirname, filename):
    f = open(filename,'rU')
    data = f.read()
    if data.startswith('8'):    # subversion 1.4
        for record in map(str.splitlines, data.split('\n\x0c\n')[1:]):
            if not record or len(record)>=6 and record[5]=="delete":
                continue    # skip deleted
            yield joinpath(dirname, record[0])
    elif data.startswith('<?xml'):
        for match in entries_pattern.finditer(data):
            yield joinpath(dirname,unescape(match.group(1)))
        log.warn("unrecognized .svn/entries format in %s", dirname)

However 'log' is undefined.


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