[Distutils] patches for stdeb: autodetect Debian dependencies

zooko zooko at zooko.com
Fri Jun 27 20:48:36 CEST 2008


Thanks for stdeb!  I'm using stdeb to produce debian packages for a  
few Python projects -- zfec [1], pycryptopp [2], pyutil [3], and  
argparse [4].  It works nicely.

I intend to use it in the future to produce debian packages for  
allmydata.org Tahoe, the Least-Authority Filesystem [5].

Along the way I added this feature to stdeb: use apt-file to discover  
which debian package(s) provide $DISTNAME.egg-info of the required  
version number, and automatically produce debian metadata showing  
that the new debian package depends on those debian packages.  For  
this to work requires that you have the "apt-file" command available  
and that you have run "apt-file update" in order to acquire the apt- 
file database.  Please see the patch for details.

With this patch, there is no "manual intervention" required to  
produce a good Debian package from a good Python package (for these  
five projects that I'm using it on).  I just run stdeb then run the  
debian build-package command and then I'm done.  We are going to  
script our buildbot to automatically do this whenever a new patch is  
committed to revision control and the unit tests pass.

This is really cool!  Stdeb is almost mature enough that every well- 
packaged Python package can automatically be converted into a well- 
packaged Debian package!

I also ported stdeb to Python 2.4, set zip_ok=False so that it could  
install on Ubuntu dapper, and made one tiny clean-up that was  
suggested by lintian.  The patch is appended.




[1] http://allmydata.org/trac/zfec
[2] http://allmydata.org/trac/pycryptopp
[3] http://allmydata.org/trac/pyutil
[4] http://argparse.python-hosting.com/
[5] http://allmydata.org

Fri Jun 27 11:38:23 MST 2008  zooko at zooko.com
   * remove print statements used for debugging

Thu Jun 12 10:41:50 MST 2008  zooko at zooko.com
   * include an implementation of check_call so that this will work  
with Python 2.4

Thu Jun 12 10:40:36 MST 2008  zooko at zooko.com
   * setup.cfg: zip_ok = False
   Zipping your eggs causes various problems.  I have seen about four  
or five such problems.  I just now added one to the list --
  installing stdeb with "./setup.py install" when there is already a  
version of stdeb installed fails on Ubuntu dapper (setuptool
s-0.6a9) unless you set zip_ok = False.

Tue May 27 11:16:05 MST 2008  zooko at zooko.com
   * automatically produce Debian "Depends:" metadata from setuptools  
"install_requires" metadata

Wed May 21 15:49:10 MST 2008  zooko at zooko.com
   * don't build-depend on "-1" of python-setuptools

   lintian says that it is a bad idea to depend on "-1" versions.

Thu May 15 16:03:04 MST 2008  zooko at zooko.com
   * more details in exception message

diff -u -r --exclude=_darcs dw/setup.cfg autodeps/setup.cfg
--- dw/setup.cfg	2008-05-15 15:31:42.000000000 -0700
+++ autodeps/setup.cfg	2008-06-27 11:35:40.000000000 -0700
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
  tag_build = .dev
  tag_svn_revision = 1
+zip_ok = False
diff -u -r --exclude=_darcs dw/setup.py autodeps/setup.py
--- dw/setup.py	2008-05-15 15:32:13.000000000 -0700
+++ autodeps/setup.py	2008-06-27 11:39:26.000000000 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
  import setuptools
  from setuptools import setup

diff -u -r --exclude=_darcs dw/stdeb/command/sdist_dsc.py autodeps/ 
--- dw/stdeb/command/sdist_dsc.py	2008-05-21 06:33:07.000000000 -0700
+++ autodeps/stdeb/command/sdist_dsc.py	2008-06-27 11:35:40.000000000  
@@ -80,6 +80,10 @@
          if self.extra_cfg_file is not None:

+        try:
+            install_requires = open(os.path.join 
+        except EnvironmentError:
+            install_requires = ()
          debinfo = DebianInfo(
              module_name = module_name,
@@ -93,6 +97,8 @@
              long_description =  
              patch_file = self.patch_file,
              patch_level = self.patch_level,
+            install_requires = install_requires,
+            setup_requires = (), # XXX How do we get the  
          if debinfo.patch_file != '' and self.patch_already_applied:
              raise RuntimeError('A patch was already applied, but  
another '
diff -u -r --exclude=_darcs dw/stdeb/util.py autodeps/stdeb/util.py
--- dw/stdeb/util.py	2008-05-21 06:33:07.000000000 -0700
+++ autodeps/stdeb/util.py	2008-06-27 11:39:00.000000000 -0700
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
  # This module contains most of the code of stdeb.
-import sys, os, shutil, sets, select
+import re, sys, os, shutil, sets, select
  import ConfigParser
  import subprocess
  import tempfile
  import stdeb
+import pkg_resources
  from stdeb import log, __version__ as __stdeb_version__

  __all__ = ['DebianInfo','build_dsc','expand_tarball','expand_zip',
@@ -13,6 +14,15 @@

+import exceptions
+class CalledProcessError(exceptions.Exception): pass
+def check_call(*popenargs, **kwargs):
+    retcode = subprocess.call(*popenargs, **kwargs)
+    if retcode == 0:
+        return
+    raise CalledProcessError(retcode)
  stdeb_cmdline_opts = [
      ('dist-dir=', 'd',
       "directory to put final built distributions in  
@@ -48,7 +58,7 @@
  def process_command(args, cwd=None):
      if not isinstance(args, (list, tuple)):
          raise RuntimeError, "args passed must be in a list"
-    subprocess.check_call(args, cwd=cwd)
+    check_call(args, cwd=cwd)

  def recursive_hardlink(src,dst):
      dst = os.path.abspath(dst)
@@ -111,6 +121,80 @@
      result = cmd.stdout.read().strip()
      return result

+def get_deb_depends_from_setuptools_requires(requirements):
+    depends = [] # This will be the return value from this function.
+    requirements = list(pkg_resources.parse_requirements(requirements))
+    if not requirements:
+        return depends
+    # Ask apt-file for any packages which have a .egg-info file by  
these names.
+    # Note that apt-file appears to think that some packages e.g.  
setuptools itself have "foo.egg-info/BLAH" files but not a "foo.egg- 
info" directory.
+    egginfore="((%s)(?:-[^/]+)?(?:-py[0-9]\.[0-9.]+)?\.egg-info)" %  
'|'.join(req.project_name for req in requirements)
+    args = ["apt-file", "search", "--ignore-case", "--regexp",  
+    try:
+        cmd = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,  
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
+    except Exception, le:
+        log.error('ERROR running: %s', ' '.join(args))
+        raise RuntimeError('exception %s from subprocess %s' %  
+    returncode = cmd.wait()
+    if returncode:
+        log.error('ERROR running: %s', ' '.join(args))
+        raise RuntimeError('returncode %d from subprocess %s' %  
(returncode, args))
+    inlines = cmd.stdout.readlines()
+    dd = {} # {pydistname: {pydist: set(debpackagename)}}
+    E=re.compile(egginfore, re.I)
+    D=re.compile("^([^:]*):", re.I)
+    eggsndebs = set()
+    for l in inlines:
+        if l:
+            emo = E.search(l)
+            assert emo, l
+            dmo = D.search(l)
+            assert dmo, l
+            eggsndebs.add((emo.group(1), dmo.group(1)))
+    for (egginfo, debname) in eggsndebs:
+        pydist = pkg_resources.Distribution.from_filename(egginfo)
+        try:
+            dd.setdefault(pydist.project_name.lower(), {}).setdefault 
(pydist, set()).add(debname)
+        except ValueError, le:
+            log.warn("I got an error parsing a .egg-info file named  
\"%s\" from Debian package \"%s\" as a pkg_resources Distribution: % 
s" % (egginfo, debname, le,))
+            pass
+    # Now for each requirement, see if a Debian package satisfies it.
+    ops = {'<':'<<','>':'>>','==':'=','<=':'<=','>=':'>='}
+    for req in requirements:
+        reqname = req.project_name.lower()
+        gooddebs = set()
+        for pydist, debs in dd.get(reqname, {}).iteritems():
+            if pydist in req:
+                # log.info("I found Debian packages \"%s\" which  
provides Python package \"%s\", version \"%s\", which satisfies our  
version requirements: \"%s\"" % (', '.join(debs), req.project_name,  
ver, req))
+                gooddebs |= (debs)
+            else:
+                log.info("I found Debian packages \"%s\" which  
provides Python package \"%s\", version \"%s\", which does not  
satisfy our version requirements: \"%s\" -- ignoring." % (', '.join 
(debs), req.project_name, ver, req))
+        if not gooddebs:
+            log.warn("I found no Debian package which provides the  
required Python package \"%s\" with version requirements \"%s\".   
Guessing blindly that the name \"python-%s\" will be it, and that the  
Python package version number requirements will apply to the Debian  
package." % (req.project_name, req.specs, reqname))
+            gooddebs.add("python-" + reqname)
+        elif len(gooddebs) == 1:
+            log.info("I found a Debian package which provides the  
require Python package.  Python package: \"%s\", Debian package: \"%s 
\";  adding Depends specifications for the following version(s): \"%s 
\"" % (req.project_name, tuple(gooddebs)[0], req.specs))
+        else:
+            log.warn("I found multiple Debian packages which provide  
the Python distribution required.  I'm listing them all as  
alternates.  Candidate debs which claim to provide the Python package  
\"%s\" are: \"%s\"" % (req.project_name, ', '.join(gooddebs),))
+        alts = []
+        for deb in gooddebs:
+            for spec in req.specs:
+                # Here we blithely assume that the Debian package  
versions are enough like the Python package versions that the  
requirement can be ported straight over...
+                alts.append("%s (%s %s)" % (deb, ops[spec[0]], spec 
+        depends.append(' | '.join(alts))
+    return depends
  def make_tarball(tarball_fname,directory,cwd=None):
      "create a tarball from a directory"
      if tarball_fname.endswith('.gz'): opts = 'czf'
@@ -278,6 +362,8 @@
+                 install_requires=None,
+                 setup_requires=None,
          if cfg_files is NotGiven: raise ValueError("cfg_files must  
be supplied")
          if module_name is NotGiven: raise ValueError("module_name  
must be supplied")
@@ -337,7 +423,9 @@

-        build_deps = ['python-setuptools (>= 0.6b3-1)']
+        build_deps = ['python-setuptools (>= 0.6b3)']
+        build_deps.extend(get_deb_depends_from_setuptools_requires 
          depends = []

@@ -386,6 +474,7 @@
              self.copy_files_lines += '\n\tcp %s %s'% 

          depends.extend(parse_vals(cfg,module_name,'Depends') )
+        depends.extend(get_deb_depends_from_setuptools_requires 
          self.depends = ', '.join(depends)

          self.description = description

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